Hello You Daring Being,
Lower back pain, tension and challenges, totally suck! But when your lower back feels good, the heavens open and the angels sing. You will feel so good when you rid your lower back from the nagging, constant pain that can at any moment give you a good stab or stop you from standing up straight.
To be free from lower back pain and to live your life to the fullest again is such a gift. Relief at it’s best. And I should know.
I’ve healed my lower back pain
I’ve struggled with my own lower back issues for fifteen years, trying to figure out what was wrong and how to deal with it. As a result of the pain, I went to every health care provider that I thought could help. I asked for guidance from yoga masters, chiropractors, acupuncturists, reiki masters, massage therapist and yes, even an orthopedic physician. I got bits and pieces of the puzzle from all those resources but I had to figure out the big picture for myself. And I did.
The way to solve lower back issues isn’t working in or on the lower back itself, I know seems weird but it’s true. Most importantly, Lower back tension is caused by the muscles in the front of the body, iliopsoas and quadricep tightness. Since, I’ve been working on opening my iliopsoas and quads, I’ve been mostly pain free in my lower back area for over ten years.
I say mostly pain free because occasionally I’ll do something stupid, like lift something heavy or hike way too many miles and my back will tell me, “Hey, don’t do that.” The beautiful thing is that I now listen. YAY!! And I know what to do to make my lower back happy again. Double YAY!!

Joe healed his lower back pain
I’ve had the privilege to pass on my unique lower back practice to hundreds of people who’ve released their lower back pain. Like Joe, He was in excruciating lower back pain weeks before he was to go on a surf trip to Bali. As a result of the pain, he came to me for a private session. Joe told me he’d been to many practitioners for this lower back problem. He wanted relief from back pain so badly, he’d even had surgery to try to relieve it. After all his explorations, no one had given him anything but momentary relief.
I asked Joe to trust me and gave him my unique lower back practice showing him how to do it step by step. He not only went on the Bali surf trip and had a great time. But because he’s into extreme sports like surfing and running marathons, he pushes his back to its limit all the time and he knows what to do to get out of back pain. Joe tells me all the time that I’m the only one that really helped him and he’s soooooo thankful for his practice. I could put up any one of the many, many emails and Facebook posts I’ve gotten from him and many other people. Here’s one I received the other day.
Michelle! You have taught me so many techniques, how to own my healing process, and to live it daily. Also I so wish I had met you sooner as I would have never had back surgery then! — Joe
You can release your lower back pain
Believe me, if Joe can relief his lower back pain, you can relieve yours. No one I know challenges his back like Joe does and the practice really works for him. So, it can work for you.
The key is you’ve got to do it. Not, occasionally, but everyday or at least 2-3 times a week. This week’s Ageless Movement Practice shows you step by step how to open your iliopsoas and quadriceps. You will feel lower back relief. All you have to do is do it!
Check out my lower back blog and receive a Note From Your Lower Back to learn more about what your lower back is trying to tell you when it gives you pain, tension and challenges.
If you’re not an Ageless Movement Member yet, join here.
Let’s all have pain free lower backs!

A Note From Your Lower Back
Dear Extraordinary One,
I am your lower back. I know, I know, you’ve attributed me with being a pain in your life. But really I’m your creative center, the container of your gifts and talents. My whole purpose is to hold your amazing gifts so you can use them to connect more deeply to yourself and others.
When you don’t honor your gifts or use your talents and when you miss opportunities to share your amazingness, I do get upset and I’ll send a bit of a twinge to your lower back. I’m just trying to get you to own your gifts and talents and to use them to connect with others.
When you are really stubborn and don’t heed my twingy warning, I’ll , as you say, “go out” and you’ll be really upset because that pretty much stops you in your tracks. I’m sorry, but I’ve had to stop you because you aren’t listening to me. I really, really need you to own your gifts. They were given to you by the Universe for the sole purpose of connecting. You’ve got to share them with yourself and the world.
So, what are they? What are you really, really good at without really trying? That’s your gift. You have been given that gift and talent for free, by the Universe to own it and share it. Please get started owning your gifts now. I want to feel better!
Thanks so much for paying attention and I can’t wait to play and share your amazingly talented and gifted self with the world. I’m feeling so hopeful, let’s chance a cartwheel? What do you say??
Go for it!
Your Lower Back (via Michelle Andrie)
P.S. – From your lower back – Own your gifts and talents, use them to connect to others and I’ll gift you with a pain free lower back. Check out the Ageless Movement Practices to feel even better in less than 45 minutes. Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page to hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners.

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