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Support your passions, release addictions to food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs etc. Allow your immune system to heal and lower back, shoulder and neck pain to subside.
A Note From Your Belly
Hello Powerful One,
This is a note from your belly, your core, your power place. The home of your soul and personality. I’m all about fire and I’m ready for your soul and personality to get along so we can build the fire of passion together to take your creativity out into the world.
You need to be seen. Your gifts must be shared. That is why you are here. Stop settling and playing it safe. Take the risk. Be your authentic self and tell the world about your gifts.
You are sacred. You have the power within yourself. Connect your sacred self, your soul with your personality, that which you show the world and emanate your aliveness.
Your soul lies on the left side of your belly. When you listen to others and suppress your truth you neglect me, your soul filled self. This causes your personality, which lies on your right side to take actions in support of other’s power while your own internal fire weakens. As your fire goes low or in some cases all the way out, I give you immune issues, chronic fatigue syndrome and allergies to get your attention.
Often, you don’t listen and you begin to attempt to find power outside yourself with addictions. Fueling yourself with false energy that will never feed you enough to feel full. You may be addicted to alcohol, drugs, food, other people… this habit will never work and you will only go further and further from your true self. STOP! Face the shame. Deal with the past abuses. Calm the part of you that has left your truth. You are powerful beyond measure and good enough for you.
You have all the power you need within yourself. Honor your soul’s truth. Show the world who you really are! Breathe your belly alive and begin the adventure of your life!
I’m ready!! Let’s do it!!
Fire up!
Your soul filled belly

Most of us suffer from some form of addiction. We replace our own energy with a false energy that never works and ultimately only steals from us. We lose ourselves. We lose our passions. We lose so much trying to find our own power.
When I met Jerry he had stopped drinking. His drinking had taken so much from him. The trust of his wife. The respect of his children. His physical health and the hiking he loved to do with his wife. He was walking around in shame wishing he was anyone but himself.
His shoulders were up around his neck. He felt responsible for everyone around him and their reactions to his drinking. His neck jutted forward as he attempted to think his way out of this awful place he found himself in. He’d suffered heart issues as his energy stopped at his distended belly.
The only step Jerry had taken was to stop drinking. He’d not began the work of understanding what had happened to him and how to listen to his soul’s truth. As, we began to work together we found that he’d learned his addictive behaviour from his father. His father was a workaholic that came home from work every night, ate with the family and escaped to his office to work and drink alcohol. Watching his father’s habit, Jerry soon took them on in adulthood.
Jerry didn’t share himself fully with anyone but was surprisingly eager to do so. We began to connect and piece the puzzle of his life together in a way that made sense to him. Seeing the gaps and holes in his life he eagerly worked to replace his thinking with feeling. How do I feel about this person or situation became his new practice. He did simple practices to open his belly and strengthen it and his power began to come back.
He put time and attention into his art and began to make beautiful pieces. And he desired to make life with his wife and family a beautiful collage by reconnecting with them through feelings and sharing his truth.
Jerry lost himself fully to find himself more deeply.
It is never too late to do this work. As Jerry says, “Start NOW!”
Never injured to begin with,
I have no interest
In being healed —
Just had to be
Cracked open in this
Beautifully painful way
Not getting over things
Allows them to move us
Into broader spaces —
Leaving just a trace
In the wings
They opened.
Jack Weber

Lie on your back, with your knees bent, place your hands on your belly and breathe deeply in and out of your belly. Feel the rising up of each inhalation and the setting down of each exhalation. Allow yourself to be in this space for several minutes just focusing on the rising and falling of each breath.
When ready, draw your knees into your chest. Breathe and notice your knees rocking away from your body with each inhalation and the knees dropping in toward your belly with each exhalation. Feel the rock and drop into it.
Bring your arms to the floor elbows even with your shoulders. Rock side to side and bring your shoulder blades down toward your tail. On each out breath, bring your arms further overhead, pause to inhale, exhale move the arms overhead until your elbows want to come off the floor. Don’t let them. Move your head and neck around freely.
Draw your knees toward your chest. Exhale bring your heels toward the ceiling, inhale bend your knees, exhale extend and hold when ready. See if you can bring your arms overhead even more with elbows pressing and slowly lower your straight strong legs toward the floor. Make sure your lower back stays on the earth. Keep your ribs in and down and navel toward your spine. You may not be able to lower your legs very far. Breathe in and out of your belly feel the rise and fall and hold as long as you can.
Physically, most of us use other parts of our body instead of core. So watch your lower back coming off the earth, which signals using your lower back for core. Keep the elbows planted on the earth. The lift of the elbows signals using your shoulders. Move your head and neck side to side to stop from using your neck.
This practice will begin to release the hold of addictions, relieve neck, shoulder and lower back pain.
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