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My very best friend,
I’m writing to encourage you to let go of control. I can’t stand it when you think somebody or something should be different than they are. Everything is as it’s supposed to be. Trust me. I know that’s hard and every time you think something should be different outside of you, your right butt cheek clenches. Ouch, I know… I wish you’d mind your own business so we could be free.
I really can’t handle it when you think that you should be different than you are. Man, you are sooooo beautiful and your body, AMAZING!! Especially, if I have to say so myself, your great ass. So spectacular!! When you forget and think you are less than super duper awesome your left butt cheek grabs. I know you blame me for the pain but you are doing it with your stinking thinking! STOP IT!!
If you don’t let go of your controlling thoughts, when you are really stubborn, your piriformis muscle that has the sciatic nerve running through it gets so tight you create sciatica, that nerve pain running down your leg. This is my way of telling you, come on already. Let go! Allow everything to flow. When you keep going with the control your gripped butt cheeks jam your sacrum, the triangular bone at the bottom of your spine, into your lower back. This is when you really need to stop and listen or you get chronic lower back pain and tension. I know, it’s exhausting to be me.
Let go. Practice allowing and going with the flow. Don’t worry. Life’s better without being a pain in your own ass. You don’t need to attempt to run your world. I’m here to help. Sit back, relax and I’ll guide you. When something feels right do it!!. When it feels wrong… stop. Do nothing until you know. Be patient.
Help bring loose butt cheeks into fashion. It’ll be the new trend. No more anal retentive tight asses who think everything is really f’ed up. Instead, wiggly, jiggly, jello butts who are happy all the time.
Shake that Booty,
Your Butt Cheeks
“You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.” —Steve Maraboli
Kathy is a good example of a tight right butt cheek gripper. When she came to the movement practices she was so tight in the right butt cheek that she pulled out her right sacral Iliac joint and was experiencing chronic lower back pain. She’d also been diagnosed with TMJ, her tight ass moving up into her jaw.
She wanted a divorce from her angry husband, her teenage daughter to change and her preteen son to share openly with her about what was going on inside. Kathy was miserable and in pain. She’d had enough of her controlling thoughts that kept her miserably powerless.
I guided her to take a softball sized ball and begin to roll around on her tight right butt cheek everyday. Soon the pain begin to lessen in her right butt cheek and lower back. With guidance and overtime, she filed for divorce, began to allowed her children to be who they were, to make their own choices and suffer the consequences. She accepted she wasn’t perfect and her butt cheek loosened even more which allowed her sacrum to fall back into place and she was experiencing less and less back pain. With less back pain, she started to look good. She lost weight and began to attract a much happier group of people into her life who liked to dance. Soon Kathy was out shaking her booty.
Fran is a left butt cheek grabber. The left butt cheek grips when you control your internal world, Your guidance system. Your emotions and intuition. Most of us do this to some degree because our society doesn’t value feelings and intuitive knowings as much as thinking. It’s time for that to change for all of us.
Fran was so tightly held in the left butt cheek that she was experiencing sciatica. She was having difficulty with a co-worker and was taking everything the woman did personally. Fran was angry and instead of feeling her anger and acknowledging it, she was in reaction, thinking maybe the woman was right and Fran was too loud and bossy.
Fran began to roll a softball sized ball in her left butt cheek and felt better immediately. She also began to spend about 10 minutes a day writing about her anger with her non-dominant hand. Feeling and processing the anger allowed Fran to hear her own truth rather than the voice of her problematic, jealous co-worker. Within two weeks she was feeling 95% better. 95% better… did you hear that! Fran went from chronic sciatica to 95% better in two weeks.

Yes, you too can feel better! A softball sized ball rolled in the butt cheeks works to let go of control. AND quickly too!!
As you sit up or lie down and roll around finding the knots of tension in your right butt cheek, consider who is stuck in there, what situation outside of yourself are you wishing was different. Visualize allowing that person or situation to be. Accept everything outside of you. Allow it all to be just as it is.
Roll a softball in your left butt cheek and allow your feelings to flow. Feel them. Allow your intuition to rise up. Listen to it. Consider the challenges you face right now. How do you feel about them? Allow your feelings and intuition to guide you. When you feel lower emotions like anger or depression, something in your life is not meeting your needs. Feel that. So you can know, accept and take action. Let that all knowing space in your belly talk to you. It is right all the time! Just listen!!
This practice will not only release the pain in your ass but will calm sciatica, release lower back tension and help with TMJ. Oh and loosen your hips so you can go out and shake your wiggly, jiggly, jello butt!!
This was cute!
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