My mother died from not filling up
You came here to share your unique expression with the world. When you don’t fuel up and share you with others. You can develop belly issues. Like intestinal problems, ulcers, breathing issues. And kidney and liver disease…to name a few.
These challenges are saying, focus on moving you out into the world.
How do you do that?
Well, I’ve got a practice for you to do. Subscribe here to do this weeks Ageless Movement Practice for the belly.
Do the practice to open up the fuel tank of your body. And pour in the energy that’s flowing around you. You’ll fill up enough to allow yourself to share. YOU.
What do you have to share? Your gifts. What you’re really good at without working on it. Do that thing and share it with others. For example, if it’s painting, create a piece, take a few pictures of it, and put it up on Etsy.
Do it and your belly will be stronger and more open. Less painful and diseased.
Consider a moment, your mother or grandmother. They weren’t nurtured to put themselves out into the world. The message was to have babies, stay at home and raise them.
My own mother was a child prodigy musician.
No lie, she started piano lessons at age three. By six-years-old she was traveling hours by train to take her music lessons in the nearest city. She played Northrup Auditorium in Minneapolis at age eight.
She was the real deal.
My mother had the makings of a world class pianist. At twelve-years-old my grandfather became ill. The piano lessons in the city stopped.
Mom coped the best she could by playing every instrument in the band in her small town.
My father fell in love with her when she played the timpani in the band. He said, “She was so small, yet so powerful”.
Mom went to college and got a masters in music. Another opportunity to fulfill her musical dream but instead she became an elementary music teacher. And she married my father.
They had five children in rapid succession. My mother focused her broken musical dream on each of us. One by one we disappointed her. My siblings and I thought of her misplaced musical attempts as torture.
Mom began to falter
Living with mom was like living in a broadway musical or opera. Everything was sung or played loudly on the piano. We, her kids hated it and her music. Mom began to drink and eat funny.
Overtime, alcohol fueled my mother and she controlled things with her anorexia. She stopped singing, she stopped playing the piano. There was little joy in her life. She was dying. For the majority of her life she was an alcohol infused, anorexic. And looked like a walking skeleton.
Finally, dying at age seventy-seven. Her intestines gummed together and shoved up into her chest cavity. A horrible death and sad for the world that didn’t get to hear her unique musical gift.
You don’t have to do this
You live in a time when you can do what you came here to do. Do this week’s Ageless Movement Practice. Open up. Don’t waist another moment. Go paint, sing, dance, write, heal, guide, teach….be your unique self and share you with the world.
Read the Ageless Body Note From Your Belly to get your body’s perspective on energy movement.

Ageless Body Note From Your Belly
Dear Gifted One,
You have such wonderful gifts to share with the world. You are amazing and I wish everyone could enjoy your beautiful self.
I’m your belly. The space where you hold the spark to light the fire. That moves your unique expression out into the world.
Your dim light
When you suppress your flame. I have to get your attention. I give you tummy aches, constipation or belly fat or weight loss. I’m saying take in the energy around you. Fan your flame and show the world your brightness.
When you don’t listen. I give you food allergies, intestinal problems and belly bloating. That’s me saying, I’m irritated. Come on…you can take in a bit more fuel and build your fire up. It’s not strong enough.
When you find your self steeped in addictions, eating disorders. Or kidney diseases. Stop! You are taking in the wrong fuel. Dumping your energy out by building a raging fire. Don’t do it, you’ll burn out.
Don’t force, calm down. Slow down, be patient. Focus on your gift and trust the doors will open. You will get an opportunity to share your amazingness with the world.
Be the shiny star you are. Find that place of ease when sharing your light. I’ll be such a happy belly.
You’re a super star!
Your belly (via Michelle Andrie)
P.S. – From your belly – Open, fuel up, embrace your gifts and share them with the world. Check out the Ageless Movement Practices to fuel up in less than 40 minutes.
P.S.S. -Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page. To hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners and join us on Friday mornings at 8 am Hawaii time, 2 pm EST, 1 pm CST and 11 am PST for Facebook Live Free Flow Fridays. I’ll introduce the new practice and offer tips, tools and in depth energy body pointers. In addition, I’ll answer any body/mind/spirit challenges that are coming up for you in the past practices or in your life.
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