What did you say?
What do you need to tell the world? What’s inside of you that needs to bubble up and vibrate out of your throat? You came here to share your magnificence and it’s time to tell the world all about it.
Do this week’s Ageless Movement Practice To Say IT! Open your beautiful throat, warm up those vocal chords and vibrate. You are pure, amazing grace on this Earth. Open your jaw and let it go!
Listen to this!
At this moment I’m sitting in one of the most beautiful places on earth. It’s a secret place. Hidden from the masses because it is difficult to get to and it is sacred land that is privately owned — meaning you have to be invited.
My invitation came a week ago. I’d finished sharing my gift of teaching a public movement practice in my front yard in Puako. One of the students, a beautiful woman named Niki, came up to me after class and invited me to go with her and a couple of other women into Waipio Valley. It took me a moment to realize what she was offering was something I’d longed for.
I found my voice and said, “YES!!” To heck with anything I thought I had to do. This was an answer to a prayer I’d been directing to the Universe for so long. And my prayer was answered!
I’m here in this beautiful, sacred space, surrounded by sheer jungle-covered cliffs listening to the rush of the boulder strewn river. All because I vibrated my prayer out to the Universe and she answered.
I knew what this place had to offer was a mystery. It was mine to find out once I got there and experienced it. So what have I found?
- Beauty that has cracked my heart open to a deeper love of this world
- Friendship that has shown me again — acceptance is love
- Courage to swim in a rapid river, to slash through a jungle, to sleep in a strange place, to live without water and electricity
- Curiosity — who are the people in front of me? What is this place I am in right at this moment?
- My voice. It matters and I must share who I am at all times with whoever is in front of me in whatever place I stand.
Full moon
Last night bathed in the light of the full moon, standing beside the roaring river, four women who gathered in Waipio Valley shared our intentions and chanted our prayers. The prayers all had the same vibration — love. We all wanted to give and receive love. As my arms wrapped around these beautiful, powerful women I thought,” We’re doing it.”
We shared ourselves deeply with one another over our time here. We cared for one another with respect and grace. There was no leader and we all flowed with tasks and feedings. That’s love.
My wish
You live in a powerful world filled with love and beauty. It’s inside you!! Remember to see beyond whatever brings you down right now and feel you’re amazing grace and share it. Share it with everyone who stands in front of you. Say your prayers to the Universe and chant your intentions to the moon.
Live fully alive. Wash your dishes with gratitude. Go to your job with thanks on your lips. Be brought to tears by the people who share a life with you — they are choosing to be with you. Remember those who walked before you. Honor your parents, they brought you here. And LOVE! Accept everything and everybody most importantly yourself.
Clear your throat
Fully connect to this unending fountain of grace and share YOU! Your gifts, your talents, your story, your purpose. It’s why you came here. It’s your Amazing Grace. Vibrate out your song so we can all sing together in this great chorus of life!
My gift to you:
An Ageless Body Note From Your Throat.
Dear Open Throated Beauty,
I’m your throat and I want you to share your truth with the world. Your vocal chords are there for you to vibrate. To sing, shout, write, dance, move, teach, play, paint — to create and share it with all.
Say it
When you don’t vibrate out into the world, I give you pain and tension on the right side of your neck. The message I want you to remember is to speak up and out to all around you.
If you have neck pain on the left side of your neck or throat that’s me telling you to vibrate your truth inside of you. Feel your beauty and talk, move, breathe, feel from that abundant river of pure essence.
When you do share your beauty and truth inside and out your neck and throat will feel so good. You’ll stand up, open your jaw and create your song that will mix with the song of all. A vibrational chorus of sound that makes this place AMAZING.
How sweet the sound,
Your Throat (Via Michelle Andrie)
What other tips do you have for becoming a better public speaker? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
Come up with your magic bullet — that super special thing that people will receive from
whatever you have to offer. Embed it into the middle of your public speaking talk !!
Hope that helps!!