In Deb’s Words, She feels freakin’ AMAZING!
Imagine Deb year ago — she was in chronic lower back pain. The kind she said, “I thought I was going to have forever.” Besides the pain in her back, Deb was experiencing painful sciatica. AND In addition, to the pain in her body, she had lots of stress and uncertainty in her life.
Fast forward to today Deb says, “I feel freakin’ amazing. I don’t have lower back pain. I’m sleeping better, walking better and I feel better.”
What changed for Deb over the past year??
She’s doing the Ageless Movement Practices on a consistent basis. Here’s one of her quotes, Consistency is the key to lasting change. Do this week’s Ageless Movement Practice to be inspired to become consistent with your movement practices and get what Deb has — A pain-free lower back.
Wow! I mean WOW! I had the honor of interviewing Deb Rider, an Ageless Movement member and everything this woman said was a beautiful quote.
Here are a few more Deb quotes:
Use your Ageless Movement Practices as a preventative, not as a treatment.
The Ageless Movement Practices make your cells feel alive in your body.NOW.
I’m into energy running in my body from top to bottom.
I could go on —
But you’ve just got to watch the interview. Listen to Deb — she blows me away. And she’ll inspire you!
Deb, thank you for talking with me and showing others that it is possible to become pain-free with the Ageless Movement Practices. I wish you a continued freakin’ AMAZING life.
To begin to experience lower back freedom like Deb Rider do this move —

From standing with your feet inner hip width apart, press into the outer edges of your heels, drop your tail, bring your ribs in and down toward your pelvic bowl, roll your inner arms out and squeeze your scapula together in the back of your body. Allow your head and neck to be loose and free.
When ready, on an exhale slowly bend your knees keeping your lower back long. Go into the squat as far as you can and inhale up. Exhale bend your knees again and inhale up. Repeat ten times. This practice lengthens your lower back and strengthens your legs.
XO, Michelle
Now I want to hear from you! Have you become pain-free or reduced the pain in your body from doing the Ageless Movement Practices? Talk to me in the comments below!
Ditto Deb! Well said. And, mahalo Michelle!