Try this quick Practice to release and strengthen your glutes
Your glutes work hard to keep your hips moving and your pelvis stable. When your butt cheeks are clenched — your hips get thrown off balance, shoving your low back out of alignment and putting pressure on your knees.
Notice how your knees, hips and low back feel before you try this quick 6-minute practice. Pause after the practice to see how your body feels!
CONTROL = Squeezed Glutes
As you free your butt cheeks you are letting go of control. My definition of control is wishing anything was different than it is.
A tight right butt cheek means you wish someone else was different. A tight left butt cheek means you wish you were different.
Let go — control never works and only causes you to be a pain in your own butt. Want a full Open + Strengthen Glute Practice? Check out this week’s Ageless Glute Practice.
How’d that practice go for you? Did your tight butt cheeks release? Let us know in the comments section below.

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