Age {less} Move More — Create Your Best Life Live and on tour!
It’s time to live your best life — your dream life. It can seem to elude you. It’s so easy to fall back into old habits, the comfort zone of inertia, of keeping yourself small by listening to the voice of others instead of your own.
Believe me, I understand
I too wanted to live my best life a mere two years ago. It seemed to allude me and I didn’t know what to do or how to do it. It was out of a deep internal ache and need to live my best life that I got on my mat every day. I focused on where I was stuck and what kept me from knowing how to create my best life.
Slowly over several days that turned to weeks, I began to feel I was blocked in my pelvic bowl and consciously moved to release those blocks that held up my creative flow. And — BOOM. I received clarity.
From the mouth of others
Clarity came from two of my yoga clients, Molly Patrick and Luanne Teoh of Clean Food Dirty Girl. They said, “The way you teach is so unique. It isn’t yoga, but it sort of is; it isn’t pilates, but it sort of is, it isn’t therapy, but it sort of is. It’s definitely unlike anything else we’ve ever done.”
Drum roll — the clarifying moment — Molly and Luanne continued, “We think you should put your conscious body movements online.”
Dah tee dah — dah!!
I got it!! “YES!!” I shouted and with their love and guidance I signed up for online business school. I put my head down and worked for one solid year. Now, I find myself with a successful online business, living my best life!!!!
Now it’s your turn!
It’s time to take action! Get up! Move!!
Take the journey to get to know your creative self, the part of you that already has everything it needs to make your dreams come true.
I’ll guide you to breathe, release fascia, flow and hold poses. I’ll assist you to release held emotions. Reinstate your guidance system. To soften your grip on control, own your gifts/talents and to connect to others. Let’s step out together on your journey to create the life of your dreams. Your BEST life!!
Date & Time: Saturday, September 7th, 2019 1 pm – 5 pm Location: UNITY BY THE SHORE 3508 ASBURY AVE, NEPTUNE CITY, NJ 07753
Only $125 Register at
Bring your mat, noodle ball (six tennis balls in a knee-hi sock) & a softball-sized ball.
Check out this short example of the workshop:
Join me live to Create Your Best Life. Or find a shorter version to get you started at Ageless Movement Practices.
Let me know how you are creating your best life in the comments below! Oh, and let me know if you plan on joining the Age {Less} Move More Create Your Best Life tour down in the comments as well!!
You always know exactly what I need. Thanks so much, Michelle!!
We’re connected!! And I’m so happy about that!!