Create lasting change with the 7-steps of manifestation instead of making resolutions that ultimately don’t work.
The Israeli psychologist, Tal Ben-Shahar on why New Year’s resolutions so often fail, “It’s because they rely on will power, which most human beings don’t have a lot of. Your best bet, if you want to introduce change into your life, Is to accomplish it through rituals, setting aside a small amount of time each day for some action that will further your goal in a very modest way but that will become an automatic part of your routine,”
You know the drill, it’s the first of the New Year and you resolve to:
Work out every day
Lose 25 lbs.
Eat better
Take better care of yourself
Stop drinking
Quit smoking
Do a daily movement practice
You’ve made this list many times…
You really want to change!
You get serious, make your resolution, write it down, maybe even do it …
Until — you get stressed, it’s too hard, your child gets sick, someone close to you begins to struggle or you are too tired.
Yup, same old, same old — year after year after year. It’s time to do it differently and I can show you how!
Make 2020 your year to make Lasting Change!
Through the 7 steps of manifestation
— These steps are a natural part of you.
— We all have them, you just have to access them.
Step #1 — The idea — We all receive inspiration from the Universe all the time. Sit down with a piece of paper and write down 3 of the ideas that are floating around in your head. Pick your top idea — the one that really makes you feel excited.
Step #2 — See it clearly — Find images of your idea, put them up on a vision board, tape them to your fridge or pin them to your bulletin board. Look at the images of your idea daily.
Step #3 — Voicing it out loud — Ask the Universe for assistance in making your idea a reality. Tell supportive people in your life about your idea.
Step #4 — Love your idea — Nurture it. Embrace it fully. Be with the energy of your idea. Set aside time every day to open your heart and place your inspiration inside that loving hug.
Step #5 — Power your inspiration — Breathe deeply in and out of your belly to connect to your inner strength. Fuel this power place with your breath to stoke its flames so you can strongly move your idea out into the world.
Step #6 — Create it — Use your gifts and talents to create your inspiration. Draw it out. Dance to it. Write about it. Create a lesson, a program. Connect to the people you need to support you in manifesting your idea.
Step #7 — Gather the tools — Find the material goods and the manpower to build your idea. Begin to build that website, paint that picture, write that book, create that company, plan that party.
You did it!!
You flowed through the 7-steps of manifestation. Keep working with these steps, little by little and step by step — you will know how to create lasting change.
In this week’s Ageless Movement Practice for members only. I’ve put together a movement practice that allows you to embody the 7-steps of manifestation.
Make moving your body the daily ritual to manifest lasting change in your life by pressing here.
What are you inspired to manifest? Share with us in the comments section below.
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