To walk in beauty is not an easy task. It is like
reestablishing a perpetually collapsing bridge.
You must be forever watchful, forever aware.
The bridge of serenity does not stand firm forever.
It is like a crossing made of loose planks:
You always reassemble the planks.
It is a continually creative act. And a frustrating one, too.
You would like this bridge to be firm, but it is not.
It is a ceaselessly creative dynamic and
Balancing activity. So enjoy the balancing act.
For there is much joy in the process of
Maintaining the bridge, as there is in enjoying
Its fruits: peace, serenity, radiance.
Henryk Skolimowski
Take your walks in beauty
Practicing consciously walking in beauty is one of the most fulfilling things I do all day. It takes work. I too have torn, wounded places within me that can cause me to judge, control, lash-out in anger toward the people and things out there that I believe to be doing wrong or creating hurt.
When I keep the following tips in mind. I do better. I am less of a part of the world’s problems and more a part of the solutions.
In other words —
“Aloha” Love for all flows out of me more easily.
The trash on the beach reminds me to clean up my own internal garbage instead of hating on the people who threw their chicken bones on the beach.
Enjoying the beauty that surrounds me more than wishing those young men would turn down their loud rap music.
Leaving space for wonder and listening to the voice of the Universe instead of thinking I’m in charge and carrying the responsibility of fixing what is wrong.
Tips for Walking in Beauty
Keep your body healthy and harmonious — Practice moving your body to open it to the energy flow surrounding you. Allow the energy to flow deeply in and out of your being. This will bring you health and happiness.
Breathe love — Breathe in the energy of love and haaaa out everything that is not of love as you do your movement practices and go about your day. Haaaa is the energy vibration of love and converts all that is not love inside of you to love.
Take care of the earth you stand on — When you care for your peace of mind and harmony of your body you can not help but to treat the earth with tender loving care. Show up for the earth. Take a trash bag with you as you walk to keep your neighborhood clean and clear.
The Earth I Stand On —

Be careful about what you eat — Treat food as medicine. Whatever you put into your body will either heal you or hurt you. Fuel your walks with organic, fresh vegetables.
Respect other human beings — Today I had a Zoom call with about 10 other people where we discussed pain. I could feel the pain pouring out of everyone. It was sharp and deep. That experience reminded me that everyone has pain inside. I will respect all people and treat them with kindness even when I see them doing stupid things like not wearing a mask or a bunch of boys playing touch football on the beach.
Own your power — You were given gifts and talents. Own them and use them to take this world to the next place the virus is forcing us to go.
Get comfortable with silence — Being quiet can save lives. It is proven that when we talk loud with force we project more spittle droplets into the air. This is dangerous right now as breathing in those droplets from an infected person is how we contract the coronavirus.
Feel your connection to all there is — We are all one with each other and everything around us. Stay connected to that truth and have reverence for all things. If I get angry at the trash on the beach I become a part of the problem. If I view the trash as a reflection of the places that need to heal inside of me — I can pick up the trash just as I clean up the messes I make from those wounded places inside of me.
Talk to the Universe as you walk — Share your gratitude with the energy that brought you here and sustains you. Ask the Universe to answer your questions — You’ll be surprised by the answers!
I asked a question this morning —
This morning before I went out for my walk I went through the tips for Walking In Beauty and came to — Ask the Universe a question — I asked, “What more can I do to create more love and less fear in the world?”
The answer came in a surprising way —
As I walked the beach I noticed more bones on the beach than normal. Yes, human bones — I believe.
A little back story
I began walking the beach access I currently walk every day about 6-months ago. At that time the quaint little 100-year-old church located right on the edge of the ocean down from the beach I walk began to excavate the forested lot right next to the church.
As they pushed over trees and cleared the land, bones began to wash up on the beach. I found leg bones, arm bones, teeth, jawbones, ribs, and tiny bones I couldn’t identify. These were not new bones — these bones had been in the ground for quite some time.

I became used to finding these bones and as I brought them to my neighbors and asked what to do — they suggested the church excavation had stirred up an ancient burial site. I made a call to the Department of Land and Natural Resources and they said they’d check into it — I never heard back from them.
Back to my story
As we drove by the church yesterday I saw that they had been doing more work on the land and also were watering the newly cleared lot. Hence, the bones on the beach.
As I stared at the bones I remembered my question — “What more can I do to create more love and less fear in the world?” The bones seemed to give the answer.
The bones said, “You are here for fear when you leave here you leave fear. The fear is here to teach you to love. Accept your fears, allow them to bring you fully present, feel them fully for a couple of minutes, and release the fear with love! Haaaaa — I got it!
I also understood that the bones of these Hawaiian ancestors had survived through many fearful experiences and were now resting in a place of love– one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
Walk on over
Do this week’s Ageless Movement Practice to open your feet and walk with an open heart. Walk this way to notice the beauty around you. Enjoy your walk in beauty.
What do your walks teach you? Please share in the comments sections below.

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