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Do you have painful feet or foot problems?
This will help.
A note from your feet.
My very best friend,
I know that we’ve been through our share of difficult times as we’ve walked together on this path. I understand your annoyance at the foot pain, tightness and disorders. I was not punishing you. I was talking to you.
I’ve been trying to talk to you for a very long time. I know when you’ve gone the wrong direction. When you’ve made choices that aren’t the best for you. In those times, I caused you to stumble and to jam your toe to get you to stop, pause and take a look at where you were going.
When you didn’t listen and forced me into bad shoes and kept going, I had to get louder and give you even more pain. The plantar fascitis was yelling… “Please stop! That way is not for you.”
I contain the connection to your ancestors. They are here to guide you on this walk. Believe me they want the best for you. They are your angels. Patiently, attempting to guide you along the way. And as you misstep they talk to you through me. Your feet.
Stop! Slow down. Consider all the paths you’re walking. Are they right for you? If there is any question. Stop. Trust me. I am powerful. I know how to heal. Listen to me and begin to move in the direction that brings you health and healing.
I love you to the very tips of your toes.
Let’s walk the path of healing!
Your Feet
A few years ago on Halloween, I decided to wear high heels to pull my costume together. I never wear heels and after that night, my right big toe knuckle hurt so bad. It was throbbing. And it wouldn’t stop. I begin to work on it by rolling a golf ball on the bottom of my foot and it started to feel better.
A couple of weeks later, I jammed the same big toe into a curb and broke my big toe knuckle. Oh my, ouch!!!! Walking was so painful, so painful that I had to stop and listen. When I listened to my foot, it said, “Stop taking care of people and calling it love!” Thanks, dad’s ancestral line. I got the message. And slowly began to consider what I needed to change.
I went to the golf ball again and worked very timidly around the right big toe knuckle. As I worked, the pain begin to lessen. I started to set boundaries in my closest relationships. The pain receded even more. After about a month of only ball rolling, I begin to stretch out my foot and big toe. Soon the pain was virtually gone!
I am so appreciative to know what to do to help myself to heal my own injuries and challenges. I want everyone to be able to do this.
Take a moment and listen to your feet. Are they happy or are they angry? What are they saying to you??
Apologize to them and let them know, that from now on you’ll listen. Treat them as sacred. They are your grounding point. The place you connect with your ancestors, the people that walked before you. The pain and tension held in your feet vibrate back to your ancestors. The right foot is dad’s ancestral line and the left foot represents mom’s ancestors.
Think about that… this is the place you honor the walk you’ve stepped into. You really need to treat your feet with respect. Being removed from your feet allows you to be ungrounded, disregarding where you came from and how it relates to you. Grounding into your feet allows you to connect with your ancestral energy and become fully present.
“To me, the word wisdom means ancient knowledge.
It’s the kind of knowledge you not only see but feel when you look into the eyes of an elephant or stop for a moment to marvel at the deep wrinkles on its skin, both of which I believe contain the truths learned from each intentional step their feet and those of their ancestors have placed upon the earth.”
― Molly Friedenfeld
Get a golf ball, start rolling on the soles of your feet and listen, deeply listen. Take in the messages and make the necessary changes.
You can do it!! Follow your feet. Feel the freedom. Enjoy your new relationship with this amazing part of you!!
If you know someone who’s experiencing pain in their feet and wants to release it, pass on this foot releasing blog post with them. They can check it out and then sign up for Ageless Body Notes delivered to their inbox every Saturday. Here’s to free feet!
P.S. ~ Here’s how our members are moving this week! If you want in, sign up here by this Sunday.
My feet are killing me most days after I get home from work. I spend up to 8 hours walking around for my job so my feet are nearly in constant pain. I’ll take your advice and rub a golf ball on my sole to see if that helps, but I’ll also visit a podiatrist soon to see what they recommend.